Aimix Asphalt Mixing Plant Cases

Aimix asphalt mixing plants are largely welcomed in worldwide, and we have sold over 30 sets of asphalt mixing plants each year. Here are some examples.

Asphalt Mixing Plant in Indoneisa

120 t/h Asphalt Mixing Plant Installed In Indonesia

Installed in Augest.25, 2019. Put into production
Until now working well.
Asphalt Mixing Plant in Philippines

ALYJ Portable Asphalt Mixing Plant Installed In Philippines

Installed in May 18th, 2019. Put into production
Until now working well.
Asphalt Mixing Plant in Indoneisa

100 t/h Asphalt Mixing Plant Installed In Indonesia

Installed in Nov. 16th, 2018. Put into production
Until now working well.
Asphalt Mixing Plant in Thailand

100 t/h Asphalt Mixing Plant Installed In Thailand

Installed in Nov. 13th, 2018. Put into production
Until now working well.
Asphalt Mixing Plant in Bangladesh

80 t/h Asphalt Mixing Plant Installed In Bangladesh

Installed in July 19th, 2019. Put into production
Until now working well.